“Matthew Metzger’s installation reminds us of the contingencies of the symbolic: one stands outside of one’s self, listening in, on-looking. Sense modalities are forced into a state of becoming, for those about to ____. Object, subject, performer, observer: these positions orbit around a lack of meaning, enabling us to fantasize, imagine, construct. Through manipulation of recorded media and its sounding in real space, I hope to provide an echo to Metzger’s shadows.”


Gordon will initiate an ambient intervention into Metzger’s installation at 5:00pm, followed by a live performance at 6:00pm.


Ted Gordon is an electronic musician, violist, and musicologist living in Chicago. His work, both performative and scholarly, responds to the American experimental music tradition by asking questions about identity, ideology, desire, and power. He runs Sound Affects, a series of improvised music, in Hyde Park. He has performed at the Elastic Arts Foundation, and has presented his academic work at the American Musicological Association, Kings College London, CUNY, Stony Brook University, and the University of Chicago.








