Frame section
booth B29
More information on visiting the fair here.
Nick Bastis’ Frame presentation consists of sculpture and graphics. Some of the works are clear, some are sleeping, others are filled with holes or sound like rain, and all are standard-sized. Sequestered grocery-dividers are penetrated and extruded, acting as analog sound devices. Transparent backpacks have been cast in glass and re-melted or slumped, occupying various positions between refrigerator boxes, sparingly populated with hibernating snails. The works are culled from a language of speculation: dreams, projection models, or things claimed before they are consumed. They relate to the circumstances of their making like shadows circulating independently from the light source that produces them.
When You Don’t Find What You’re Looking for, Sleep, 2014 – 2016, cardboard refrigerator boxes with hibernating Helix pomatia snails, edition of 3 + 1 artist’s proof, two at 74 x 24 x 25 inches one at 61 x 24 x 24 inches
Shadow of a Bracket, 2016, Laser cut stainless steel and digital file, 26 x 8 inches
International style, 2016, blown glass, 20 x 12 x 8 inches, one of four unique sculptures
International style, 2016, blown glass, 20 x 12 x 8 inches, one of four unique sculptures
When You Don’t Find What You’re Looking for, Sleep (detail)
International style, 2016, blown glass, 20 x 12 x 8 inches, one of four unique sculptures
International style, 2016, blown glass, 20 x 12 x 8 inches, one of four unique sculptures
When You Don’t Find What You’re Looking for, Sleep (detail)
Grocery Divider Sound Emitter, 2016, found grocery divider, aluminum tube inserts, grains, 12 x 2 x 2 inches
Grocery Divider Sound Emitter (detail)
Grocery Divider Sound Emitter, 2016, found grocery divider, aluminum tube inserts, grains, 12 x 2 x 2 inches
Grocery Divider Sound Emitter, 2016, found grocery divider, aluminum tube inserts, grains, 12 x 2 x 1 inches
Grocery Divider Sound Emitter (detail)