Artist’s book: Collapse

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

Heirloom, The Renaissance Society, Installation view

On Holiday, 2021, Oil on linen, metal stand, 8 x 6 feet

Wedge, 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 60 3/8 x 29 7/8 inches

Still, 2021, Oil on linen, 60 3/8 x 29 7/8 inches

Still, 2021, Oil on linen, 60 3/8 x 29 7/8 inches

Gray, 2021, Oil on linen, 37 1/2 x 29 7/8 inches

Gray, 2021, Oil on linen, 37 1/2 x 29 7/8 inches

Gray, 2021, Oil on linen, 37 1/2 x 29 7/8 inches

Gray, 2021, Oil on linen, 37 1/2 x 29 7/8 inches

Installation of On Holiday paintings

No title (On Holiday), 2016, oil on canvas, 15.5 x 16.75 inches

No title (On Holiday), 2016, oil on canvas, 15.5 x 16.75 inches

No title (On Holiday), 2018, oil on canvas, 15.5 x 16.75 inches

No title (On Holiday), 2019 oil on canvas, 15.5 x 16.75 inches

Installation from The Smart Museum of Art, Ghost, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 360 x 12 inches

The Be-longing Project: The Shell (both halves), 2018, acrylic and oil on panel, 12.375 x 15.5 inches

Installation from the MCA Chicago exhibition, “The Freedom Principle: Experiments in Art and Music, 1965 to Now” (2015).

That Which Can’t Be Played (Composition #11), 2017, acrylic and oil on MRMDF panel, 11.875 x 11.875 inches

That Which Can’t Be Played (Composition #8), 2015, acrylic and oil on MRMDF panel, 11.875 x 11.875 inches

The Condition, 2015, acrylic and oil paint on fiberglass honeycomb panel, 22.75 x 22.75 inches

Collapse (2nd Movement), 2016, acrylic and oil on canvas, 69 x 78 inches

Collapse (3rd Movement), 2016, acrylic and oil on canvas, 69 x 78 inches

The Be-Longing Project, 2015

The Be-Longing Project (The Other Version), 2015

The Shadow of The Outer Sleeve Opened, 2015, oil on MRMDF, 12 1⁄4 x 24 3⁄4 inches